Sunday 3 July 2011

God save our ambitious Queen

Rather surprised the Fail published this one. Someone on the comments review desk has a sense of humour.

Suzanne Moore Column (the bit at the bottom about the Royals costing everyone in Britain 51p per year. (which is bollox by the way, they cost an awful lot more than that)

Saturday 11 June 2011

Ooh-er misses

An attempt today to get up everybody's noses. I wonder if I can encourage Daily Fail readers to hate me for being too misogynist? It's worth a go. I'll update the post with the results later.

Class is the real problem, sisters - not slutty clothes


Wahay! Currently leading the 'Worst rated'. This gives me hope that there may actually be a small glimmer of intelligence among Fail readers.

A nail biting finish?

What is going on at the Fail? No matter how loony the comment, the moderators will allow it and even worse, Fail readers will vote for it. I am truly frightened for the future of humanity.

Will James jump from 3rd best rated comment to 1st and claim the prize? There is still time. Who can possibly beat this?

No return to weekly bin rounds: After all those vote-catching promises, Ministers finally admit they've given up

Friday 10 June 2011

Taking the piss instead of giving it

Try this. Pages and pages of fun

Of much interest

Could almost be our sister blog. But who would want a brother like this blog?

An attempt at the prize already!

This is some feat; trying to get all the Fail's hatewords into a single comment, but James has managed it. A monumental achievement, however, you have to attain top rating in order to get the prize.

Bonus points for commenting against Littlejohn seeing as most of his articles would win the prize every time if they were comments.

James' marathon comment is an example to us all:

The answer, my friend, ain't blowing' in the wind

Carry on up the Greer

An excellent looney meandering effort from James in Caversham who manages nearly all of the Fail's buzzwords. Superb topical linking to the Archbishop, liberally (grrrr!) sprinkled with misinformation. Bonus points for responding to a story with the word "outrage" in the title.

British troops could turn into rapists (and little girls learn to flirt through kissing their dads)... Germaine Greer sparks outrage on Question Time

An honourable mention for Bob from Bristol

Not taking part in the contest as such, but he did come up with this beauty:

Prime-time smut, vile obscenities on Radio 4 and a smug elite who sneer at the silent majority

I couldn't agree more Bob. I am as usual outraged !

A little acorn. I hope it grows.

This is the first in what I hope will be a growing collection of piss-take moronic, right-wing, racist, misogynist and hate-filled comments in the Daily Fail. The objective is to beat this starting comment which achieved 3rd most rated comment for this Daily Fail story. I am so proud (wipes away little tear).

If you want to beat this, then post a link to the Daily Fail story and a screen-dump of your comment, just like this.

Rowan Williams is a profoundly divisive Leftie

'BAN THIS SICK FILTH' is a game of skill because the comments are moderated. You have to get in early, so look up and comment on a story before you go to work. Your comment has to be ever-so-subtly over the top otherwise the moderators will know you are contributing the piss. As I have shown, they will accept looney fascist nonsense that Hitler would be ashamed of.

Participants will be judged by the number of comments placed and the rankings achieved. Extra marks if you mention one, or maybe all of:

House prices
The Unions / Commies / Lefties
Single mothers / Scroungers

A hundred quid prize and epic-win status to the first person to achieve the holy grail of Fail: a comment containing all of these terms that also achieves top rating.